Some individuals may have difficulty reaching out for help with substance use disorder (SUD), process addictions, and related mental health conditions. Families and friends of individuals experiencing substance misuse want their loved ones to have the best treatment possible. However, sometimes it can be hard to know where to look for reliable and effective recovery […]
Tag: substance
Importance of Family Involvement and Family Education
Individuals experiencing substance use disorder (SUD) or mental health issues benefit from family support before, during, and after treatment. If someone you love is in recovery, you can help them heal by educating yourself about their condition. The realities of substance misuse and mental health disorders can surprise family members and friends. Truly understanding what […]
What Is Family Systems Theory?
The “family systems theory” is a complex dynamic practiced between individuals and their families. It can be a reaction consisting of emotional responses and an expectation of certain outcomes that can inhibit or promote an individual’s way of thinking. When thinking of a “family,” there may be an expectation placed on parents from children and […]